Friday, January 27, 2006

week end at edinburgA

already in UK, better visited Edinburgh. Only one hour away. Luckily
Wiwu could company me. Great week end. Damn, it passed so quickly!

Friday, January 20, 2006

My Short Arms

Panda doing yoga. The struggle is real.

After feel more confident in Bikram yoga, I'm trying other yoga style. Ashtanga yoga. It's slightly different with Bikram which practice in hot temperature and standing like one  minute in every pose. 

I think ashtanga is not fo beginner. The pose is bit challenging. Luckily my body already familiar with several yoga pose. In early pose of Ashtanga sequence I don't have much trouble. But alas, ashtanga is really really difficult, specially  on  arm cause I have this weird human anatomy: tiny-mouse-size (and very weak)  arms with a giant-panda-size-hip.
First, fish pose where the arm should rest in knee. okay, with a long breath and high concentration, I did it. 

Next pose (forget the name  which to put both arm behind my back,bow and slowly kiss a knee. Gosh, I struggled and, finally my short left arm meet right arm. Fiuuuh. ^___^ (note: I manage did it only in few seconds then my arm went numb) Then, came twisting pose, bit difficult, I have to grab a towel as a support. Other pose, marichyasana I and marichyasana II , it's insane! my arm can't even wrapping my giant-bear-size-hip. Huaaaah! Huaaah! I tried to pull my arm to my back very very hard. (I saw several member did it and success.well, not for me! :(((
My instructor came to help me, but still my arm move no more. Finally she smiled and said, I don't have to push myself, it takes time. Some pose took longer for some person. I'll be wait when the time come. Breath in  and out. 

Thursday, January 5, 2006



Genre: Drama
cast: kevin zegers, felicity huffman
dir: duncan tucker

Enggak ada yang lebih menyedihkan dan enggak enak dibandingkan berbohong, apalagi bohong sama diri sendiri. We can put a nice face, smile to every body although you really want to do is crying or punching somebody else face. I think, in some way, that what the transsexual person feel. Mereka dilahirkan sebagai seseorang yang bukan mrk mau. They trapped in somebody else body.
Sebelum nonton film ini gw baru aja baca teenlit Luna. Ceritanya soal transsekual gitu. Bedanya Luna berkisah soerang remaja cowok yang pretend tobe a normal boy,walau sebenarnya dia itu ngerasa dirinya cewek. Dia akhirnya memutuskan lari dari rumah untuk bekerja dan melakukan operasi ganti kelamin.
Di transamerica ceritanya cowok dewasa, bernama Stanley, dia berganti identitas jadi Bree (Felicity Huffman). Dia punya dua pekerjaan demi mencari uang untuk operasi ganti kelamin. Seminggu sebelum operasi berlangsung, dia dapat telepon dari polisi di NY. Ternyata dia waktu masih jadi cowok, punya anak bernama Toby,yang baru diketahuinya saat itu. Toby yang badung ini terlibat drugs dan masuk penjara.
Tadinya Bree mau cuek aja tapi terapisnya nyarain Bree ketemu dengan Toby. Jadilah Bree menjemput Toby di penjara tapi dia enggak bilang identitas yang sebenarnya. Mereka menempuh perjalanan berdua dan mulai dekat satu sama lain. Sampai pada satu saat Toby sadar kalau Bree itu bukan cewek, melainkan cowok. Dan belakangan, Toby baru tahu kalau Bree itu bokapnya sendiri, yang berniat mengubah identitas jadi seorang cewek.