Sunday, November 27, 2016

Back to my neglected blog

Start to write my blog again.

Way... way...  before social media become part of my daily life, I used to be active in blogging.  Although I had  really hard start because I was such a computer illiterate person.  But, once I knew the trick , it really fun. Changing a background,  playing with words (well mostly an useless words vomit), posting any picture. It's really good way to channel myself.

And then come Twitter and Instagram, I'm kind forget  about the blog. Honestly Twitter make people lazy (including me) to think, to read  and jump into conclusion too fast.  I mean, what you expect in 140 words?  You need more understand  the problems, the issues with more than 140 words.  Also Instagram. Quoting from Max of Two Broke Girls' ; Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read. Or more likely who don't want read.  Anything visual, anything picture.  Sometimes picture can deceiving and we kind of forget what exactly really happened.Although, there's a  new trend people  writing a long format in Instagram but I bet people just scroll  it down really fast and not pay attention to words.
Not that I hate Twitter and Instagram. I still like it and really fun to do but  I'm kinda miss writing in long format. Pouring everything on my mind more than 140 words. So, here I am. Back again in my neglected blog.

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